Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still At Home

The Burts who stayed home are still home, O goes to Granny's, Miles is attending UWF summer camp @his old daycare where they swim in the pool and hike on the nature trail. One day, just for fun, they put the day campers in their swim clothes and and had a car wash. It is important that every child learns to swim and wash cars.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Everyone has a double...

Seems that unbeknown (even to me), I've been spending my "alone time" posing for slightly disturbing Father's Day cards. See you in South Dakota, folks!

Man, I remember having hair...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It had to happen sometime...

So the fam went off for 6 weeks and left me here to hold the fort. I really can't think of much to say right about now, but the blog looks a bit bare without something here.

Seems everyone has one of these things these days. Guess I'll jot down some thoughts as if folks would be interested.

If you would like to read more interesting stuff, check out what the burts who didn't stay home are up to.